

About Susan

Susan Winter Ward is an internationally recognized certified yoga instructor, author, and award-winning video producer. She is the creator of Yoga for the Young at Heart™, a leading publisher of yoga exercise videos for silvering Baby Boomers, seniors and beginners of all ages.

Susan has appeared on TV and radio talk shows. She has
 taught worldwide: Mexico, Peru, Norway, Australia, Fiji, Thailand and beyond…as well as at numerous conferences including NICABM (National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine), Southwest Yoga Conference, Whole Life Expo, AARP Conventions and at other international events, among them, Inner Voyage cruises, The Message Company Conferences on Science and Consciousness, and at Innate Intelligence (Network Chiropractic) Transformational Gate Intensives in France, Sicily, Italy and in the US.

Susan has appeared on the cover of Yoga Journal as well as other national publications. She has authored numerous articles, and has been featured in and written for a variety of national magazines and newspapers.

As a real estate developer/yoga teacher, she is often asked what the connection is for this strange blend of passions. Susan says, “I love building beautiful places for people to live on the outside; yoga helps people to build beautiful places to live on the inside. I think it’s a perfect combination.”

Susan’s Yoga for the Young at Heart teaching style:

susan_By teaching seniors, Susan has developed a gentle, encouraging an inspirational teaching style. She was blessed to have a few blind students in her first teaching experiences. They taught her to give very specific instructions which makes her classes to easy to follow…even with eyes closed.

The classes are a “vinyasa” flow…with each pose flowing from one to the next; smooth transitions and deep breathing are encouraged.

The integral foundations for Susan’s teaching are the grace and strength of the vinyasa-style White Lotus Flow Series and the powerful influence of Anusara Yoga’s heart-centered approach with its Principles of Alignment. Another strong influence is Network Spinal analysis’ concept of honoring the body’s innate intelligence.

She encourages listening deeply within, respecting the body’s limits and moving through a yoga practice with sensitivity and self-caring.

All of Susan’s inspiring Yoga for the Young at Heart™ programs are developed especially for beginners, boomer and seniors. Her programs offer gentle, accessible and effective yoga for those who are stepping onto the path toward achieving state of body/mind fitness, vitality, and a sense of peace and well being.

Contact Susan

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